Friday, April 21, 2006

Sabah MSSM Secondary Schools Table Tennis Tournament

The West Coast (South) MSSM 2006 Team
Showing Off The Overall Champion Trophy

The Sabah MSSM state wide table tennis tournament for secondary schools was completed successfully at Keningau on April 3-8 2006.
The overall team trophy was won by Pantai Barat Selatan district, whcih collected 4 golds,6 silvers and 2 bronzes.
West Coast(South) won the gold for Boys Singles (U18) through Nicholas Chin,by beating Alan Albert Au also from West Coast(South). Boys Doubles (U18) gold also went to West Coast(South) bagged by the Nicholas-Alan pair.
West Coast (South) won the gold for Girls Doubles (U18) through the Angela Thien - Crystal Chua pair. West Coast(South) also got the Girls Singles (U18) silver medal through Angela Thien who lost to Ang Wei Ching of Keningau. The other came from the under 12 category through Gabriel Fong.

West Coast (South) Team's medals at a glance :

Boys Team (U12)Gold
Boys Singles (U18)GoldNicholas Chin
Boys Doubles (U18)GoldNicholas Chin-Alan Albert Au
Girls Doubles (U18)GoldAngela Thien-Crystal Chua
Girls Team (U18)Silver
Boys Singles (U12)SilverGabriel Fong
Boys Singles (U18)SilverAlan Albert Au
Girls Singles (U18)SilverAngela Thien
Boys Doubles (U18)SilverNicholas Chin-Leong Kah Jun
Boys Doubles (U12)SilverBryan Chin-Gabriel Fong
Boys Singles (U12)BronzeWayne Liew
Girls Doubles (U18)BronzeNg Kun Ya-Lydia Yong

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