Saturday, April 22, 2006

Lahad Datu Table Tennis Open Championship 2006

The LDTTA will be holding its annual table tennis open championship too, on the same day as KKTTA, ie. April 29-30 2006.

There are 8 categories as follows :

  • Men's Singles Open
  • Women's Singles Open
  • Men's Doubles Open
  • Women's Doubles Open
  • Men's Perpaduan Singles Open
  • Veteran (Above45) Singles
  • Veteran (Above55) Singles
  • Mix Doubles Open

Entry Fee : RM5.00 (Above 18), RM2.00 (Under 18)
The closing date is April 25 2006, 7:00pm.
Please contact the LDTTA committee members for more details and entry forms.

The KK Table Tennis Open Championship 2006

The KKTTA is organising the KK Table Tennis Open Champioship 2006 at the Training avenue next to the Likas Sports Complex Asrama Canteen on April 29-30, and May 12-14 2006.
The closing date for entries is on April 25 2006 at 6:00pm.
Entry forms are available at the KKTTA training avenue near the Likas Complex Asrama Canteen.
You may print the table below and use it as an entry form. Tick the Item No. which you want to take part in.




Born on or





Boys Singles (U17) (BS)1/1/19893.00April 29-30 20062:00pm


Girls Singles (U17) (GS)1/1/19893.00April 29-30 20062:00pm


Cadet Boys Singles (U15) (BSA)1/1/19913.00April 29-30 20062:00pm


Cadet Girls Singles (U15) (GSA)1/1/19913.00April 29-30 20062:00pm


Hope Boys Singles (U13) (BSB)1/1/19933.00April 29-30 20062:00pm


Hope Girls Singles (U13) (GSB)1/1/19933.00April 29-30 20062:00pm


Hope Perpaduan Boys Singles (U13) (BSC)1/1/19933.00April 29-30 20062:00pm


Hope Perpaduan Girls Singles (U13) (GSC)1/1/19933.00April 29-30 20062:00pm


New Hope Boys Singles (U10) (BSD)1/1/19963.00April 29-30 20062:00pm


New Hope Girls Singles (U13) (GSD)1/1/19963.00April 29-30 20062:00pm


SUKMA Men's Singles (U21) (MSA)1/1/19853.00May 12-14 20062:00pm


SUKMA Women's Singles (U21) (WSA)1/1/19853.00May 12-14 20062:00pm


Men's Singles (MS)Open5.00May 12-14 20062:00pm


Women's Singles (WS)Open5.00May 12-14 20062:00pm


Men's Doubles (MD)Open5.00May 12-14 20062:00pm


Women's Doubles (WD)Open5.00May 12-14 20062:00pm


Veteran Singles (VS)Open5.00May 12-14 20062:00pm


Perpaduan Men's Singles (PS)Open5.00May 12-14 20062:00pm


Perpaduan Women's Singles (PWS)Open5.00May 12-14 20062:00pm

Total Entry Fee :

I/C NO :


Friday, April 21, 2006

Sabah MSSM Secondary Schools Table Tennis Tournament

The West Coast (South) MSSM 2006 Team
Showing Off The Overall Champion Trophy

The Sabah MSSM state wide table tennis tournament for secondary schools was completed successfully at Keningau on April 3-8 2006.
The overall team trophy was won by Pantai Barat Selatan district, whcih collected 4 golds,6 silvers and 2 bronzes.
West Coast(South) won the gold for Boys Singles (U18) through Nicholas Chin,by beating Alan Albert Au also from West Coast(South). Boys Doubles (U18) gold also went to West Coast(South) bagged by the Nicholas-Alan pair.
West Coast (South) won the gold for Girls Doubles (U18) through the Angela Thien - Crystal Chua pair. West Coast(South) also got the Girls Singles (U18) silver medal through Angela Thien who lost to Ang Wei Ching of Keningau. The other came from the under 12 category through Gabriel Fong.

West Coast (South) Team's medals at a glance :

Boys Team (U12)Gold
Boys Singles (U18)GoldNicholas Chin
Boys Doubles (U18)GoldNicholas Chin-Alan Albert Au
Girls Doubles (U18)GoldAngela Thien-Crystal Chua
Girls Team (U18)Silver
Boys Singles (U12)SilverGabriel Fong
Boys Singles (U18)SilverAlan Albert Au
Girls Singles (U18)SilverAngela Thien
Boys Doubles (U18)SilverNicholas Chin-Leong Kah Jun
Boys Doubles (U12)SilverBryan Chin-Gabriel Fong
Boys Singles (U12)BronzeWayne Liew
Girls Doubles (U18)BronzeNg Kun Ya-Lydia Yong

Condolence to Shim family

Mr Shim Hock Min, committee member of KKTTA pased away at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, KK on April 13 2006.
Mr Shim was a dedicated coach who almost every weekend assisted chief coach Mr John Hong at the KKTTA training room. He helped many young players to attain their current standard of playing skills by constantly giving them tips and advice and acted as a competent sparring partner.
Mr Shim was also very active in KKTTA activities. Together with his wife, Madam Pang, he would be present at all the events organised by KKTTA without fail, sometimes as participants sometimes as committee members.
He would be dearly missed by all at KKTTA.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Kudat Team for Putra Theatre Tournament

The Kudat Table Tennis Association (KTTA) is sending a team to take part in the 8th Sabah Putra Theatre Restaurant Table Tennis Tournament at the Taman Tun Faud, Kota KInabalu on April 8 & 9 2006.
The team, Hock Soon consists of
  • Chief Team Manager :Cheng Bee Seng (郑必成)
  • Team Manager : Wong Seng Fatt (黄圣发)
  • Players :
    Lim Sau Ming (林少明)
    Ho Won Seng (何文声)
    Siaw Kui Shung (萧贵雄)
    Chong Soon Foh (张顺和)
    Lim Hang Yun (林行运)
    Michael Galaba (麦克加拉巴)

The KTTA president, Cheng Bee Seng (郑必成) said that the main objective of sending a team is to show support of the game, winning is only secondary. Never the less Kudat's team will try its level best to give a good performance during the tournament.

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Sabah MSSM Primary Schools Table Tennis Tournament Results

The Sabah state wide MSSM primary schools table tennis tournament was successfully completed.
The overall team event was won by West Coast (South) district, 2nd place was won by Lahad Datu district.
In the individual events Wong Min Jiet(黄敏捷) from SRJ (C) Qi Wen, Lahad Datu beats Gabriel Fung of SRJ (C) Lok Yuk, Kota Kinabalu to win the boys singles' gold medal. He and Suhaimi of SRJ St Domin,Lahad Datu also won the boys doubles' gold beating the Gabriel Fung - Bryne Chin pair.
The Lahad Datu District Team with the
prize presenter and the Keningau Education Officer

Wong Min Jie(黄敏捷) and Suhaimi with the
prize presenter and Keningau Education Officer

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Results Of Putra Theatre Restaurant Tournament

The 8th Sabah Putra Theatre Restaurant Industries Table Tennis Tournament completed successfully on April 9 2006.
There were 37 teams from the major towns in Sabah and also teams from Brunei and Sarawak.
The champion in the Premeir category was the Kg Nelayan team which has the service of ex national player from Johor Tan Chun(陈进).
The 1st runner was Pao Ma Indudtries team of Sandakan, 2nd runner up was Wisma Industry team and 3rd runner up was Sri Bumi Ikhlas team from Jampangan.
In the Novice category, the champion was new comer Powerpoint comprised of navy personnel from the Sepangar Naval Base,the first time in this tournament that a 100% bumi team to take the tittle.
1st runner up was Hock Soon Sea Products team from Kudat,2nd runner up was Chieng Wen Kopitiam team of Papar and 3rd runner up is Sri Bumi Ikhlas team of Jampangan.

The match between Pao Ma Industry team
and Kg Nelayan team was in progress

The Powerpoint team comprising personnel from Sepangar
Naval Base won the gold medal in the Novice category.

The Hock Soon team from Kudat won the
silver medal in the Novice category

Team Pao Ma of Sandakan receiving the
2nd place prize from Wong Liang Teck(黄良德)

Representative of team Power Point receiving the champion trophy
(Novice category) from organising chairman Edward Chua.

Team Kg Nelayan posed with the champion trophy

Masidi Manjun Urges The Borneoan States To Hold More Games

Sabah Minister of Youth And Sports, Datuk Masid Manjun urges the 3 states in Borneo Island namely Sabah, Sarawak and Brunei to hold more sports meets like the Sabah Putra Thratre Restaurant Industries Table Tennis, where players from all three states can meet and foster closer interactions.
Datuk Masidi was speaking at the dinner after the sucessful closing of the 8th Putra Theatre Restaurant Table Tennis tournament. This year's meet received overwhelming response from all major towns in Sabah. There were all together 37 teams participating, including also teams from Brunei and Sarawak.
Also present are : Liew Gong How(刘恭豪), president of United Sabah Table Tennis Association, Tsen Kuan Fook(曾冠福), president of Kota Kinabalu Table Tennis Association, Edward Chua Soon Onn(蔡顺安), organising chairman.

Datuk Masid Manjun presenting
souvenir to one of the team mangers

Organising chairman Edward Chua Soon Onn(蔡顺安) presenting souvenir
to the owner of Putra Theatre Restaurant Wong Liang Teck(黄良德)

President of KKTTA, Tsen Kuan Fook(曾冠福)
presenting souvenir to Datuk Masidi Manjun

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Lahad Datu Team for Putra Theatr Restaurant Tournament

Lahad Datu Table Tennis Association (LDTTA) will send a 5-man team to participate in the Putra Theatre Restaurant Table Tennis Tournament at Taman Tun Fuad, Kota Kinabalu on April 8-9 2006. They will take part in the Novice category.
Here is the team members :
  • President : Liew Soon Yuan(刘顺源)
  • Players : Pang Yong Hing(彭荣星),Sui Set Ping(许雪平),Chin Kim Hup(陈金合), Chin Chai Ling(陈采玲)
  • Objective : To participate not to win

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Saturday, April 08, 2006

MSSM Table Tennis Tournament Lahad Datu 2006

The MSSM Table Tennis Tournament for primary and secondary schools in Lahad Datu District (including Tongkok, Kunak, Kina Batangan, Lahad Datu) 2006 was held at the school hall of SRJ (C) Qi Wen (启文) on March 28-29 2006.
SRJ (C) Qi Wen won both the boys and girls categories team events.
16 players were selected to represent Lahad Datu District to participate in the coming State wide tournament to be held at Keningau on April 3-8 2006. The names were announced immediately after the prize giving ceremony.

Followings are the lists :

CategoryPlayer 1Player 2Player 3Player 4
Boys PrimarySuhaimiWong Min Jie 黄敏捷Chen Wei Chye 曾玮齐Zheng You Jia 郑友佳
(St Domin)(Qi Wen)(Qi Wen)(Qi Wen)
Girls PrimaryWong Min Li 黄敏莉Chen Wei Fung 曾玮凤Hong Xin Yue 洪欣怡 Nurul Atiqah
(Qi Wen)(Qi Wen)(Qi Wen)(St Domin)
Boys SecondaryM. Yusriyan

Chin Sin Lin 陈新林

Wong Min Ray 黄敏锐

Suparta Saparang
(St Domin)(Technology)(St Domin)(St Domin)
Girls Secondary

Cheng Si Man 郑思敏

Mu Xin YU 莫芯俞Hu Ching Yi 胡静怡 Lim Chi Jiu 林子九
(LD High School)(LD High School)(LD High School)(LD High School)

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Pang From SRJ (C) Yu Cai Sandakan - 育才小学, Selected

Pang Jia Qi (彭佳琦) won the 1st place in the MSSM table tennis for primary schools in Sandakan. She therefore earned herself a berth in the Sandakan district team automatically.
Pang from SRJ (C) Yu Cai Sandakan - 育才小学, was rewarded by the school committee a red packet through the school head master Mdm Pang Pit Ting (潘碧婷). Mdm Pang praised the lass for her excellent performance and wished her best of lucks during the state wide tournament at Keningau on April 3-8 2006.
彭佳琦 (Pang Jia Qi)

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KKTTA Team Handicap Tournament Results

The Kota KInabalu Table Tennis Association held a team handicap tournament for its members at the KKTTA training venue adjecent to the Likas Sports Complex Asrama Canteen recently.
The frist prize was won by KK Lion comprising 4 Sabah state players (youth) namely, Nicholas Chin, Allan Albert Au, Stephen Lee and Cavan Foo. They took the prize money of RM200.
The 2nd place went to KK Eagle consiting of mostly Hope players : Samson Chua,brother Sean and sister Crystal, Amedious Tan and brother Theophilus and Nicholas's kid brother, Bryan Chin. They won RM150 in prize money.
3rd place winner Big Foot comprises Edward Chua, Pang Wei Lit and Sim She Kuan beats team Wisma Industry formed by former Sabah state players George Tai, Dominic Tan and Kueh Kim Jin to take away the prize money of RM100.

The Champions - KK Lion

2nd Place - KK Eagle

3rd Place - Big foot

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6 Students Of SRJK (C) Pui Gin - 培正小学 Represent Sandakan

The MSSM table tennis tournament in Sandakan was held recently.
Due to their out standing performance in the tournament 6 students from SRJK (C) Pui Gin - 培正小学 are selected to represent Sandakan district to play in the state wide tournament to be held at Keningau.
They are : Tong Yee Ching - 唐宜庆, Hew Wei Nam - 邱维楠, Liew Zhong Se - 刘重似, Tan Chen Yan - 谈政源, Teng Jiao Chin - 邓巧晴 and Wong Ping Shuan - 黄屏绚.

SRJK (C) Pui Gin - 培正小学 representatives with
head master Lim Yan Zhang 林沅藏 and teachers

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KK Secondary Schools Table Tennis Tournament 2006

The MSSM table tennis tournament for secondary schools in KK was held at the multi-pupose hall of SM Sekolah Tinggi Kota Kinabalu (亚庇中学) on March 28-29.
All the other teams in KK are no match for SM Lok Yuk (乐育中学) and SM Kian Kok (建国中学), the former dominates the boys' teams while the latter the girls.
SM Lok Yuk (乐育中学) won the following medals :
  • Male Singles - 1st Place
  • Male Doubles - 1st Place
  • Male Singles - 3rd Place
  • Male Doubles - 3rd Place
  • Female Singles - 3rd Place
  • Female Doubles - 3rd Place

SM Kian Kok (建国中学) won the following medals :

  • Femal Singles - 1st Place
  • Female Doubles - 1st Place

Fortunately, the host team SM Sekolah Tinggi Kota Kinabalu (亚庇中学) was not left empty handed, beside Alan and Gary the host team also got the female doubles' 4th place through Law Sok Ching(刘淑贞) and partner. They managed to salvage the following :

  • Male Singles - 2nd Place
  • Male Double - 2nd Place
  • Female Doubles - 4th Place

Amongst the male players Lok Yuk's representative Nicholas Chin(陈振强), also Sabah state player (youth), gave the most outstanding performace. He beat KK High School's Alan Albert Au(欧家纶),who is also his team mate in the state team, for the gold medal. He then together with Leong Kah Juan went on to beat Alan and partner,Gary, for the Doubles' gold medal.

On the girls' side, Kian Kok's representative Angela Thien(邓楚豫), Sabah state player (youth) beats Tsun Tshing's Ng Kun Ya(黄绲雅) to win the gold. She then partnered with Joyce Chung to win the doubles' gold medal by beating Ng Kun Ya(黄绲雅) and Lydia Yong(扬君茹) of Tsun Tshing.

The Champions - Lok Yuk Secondary School (乐育中学)

Nicholas Chin(陈振强) with Head master of KK High School
Mr Ng Kim Huat (黄金发) and Lok Yuk team teacher in charge

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Tawau Teams for Putra Theatre Restaurant Tournament

Tawau Table Tennis Association (TTTA) will send 2 teams to participate in the Putra Theatre Restaurant Table Tennis Tournament at Taman Tun Faud, Kota Kinabalu on April 8 & 9 2006.
Princess of Sabah Table Tennis, Chiu Si Jin will be in one of the teams. She is the current Malaysia's national player.
Malaysia National Player 周思瑾(Chiu Si Jin)

The Tawau Team

Here are the Tawau teams members :

Chuan Lee Lubricant (全利油脂)
CategoryTeam ManagerTeam CaptainCoachPlayers
PremierSheah Shuan Fatt (谢璇发)Sheah Chee Chong (谢志忠)Shim Si Chong (沈时聪)

Chiu Si Jin(周思瑾),Fung Chin Ping(冯振平),Liew Chen Leong(刘承良),Lim Tong Seng(林东成),Chu Yong Loong(朱勇龙),Abdul Rahman

Chuan Lee Lubricant (全利油脂)


Team CaptainCoachPlayers
NoviceLiew Sin(刘新)Peter Shim Si Len (沈时仁)Chu Yong Loong(朱勇龙)

Wu Peng Kiong(吴炳强),Shim Pau Liang(沈宝量),Chong Teck Wui(锺德威),Chong Teck Yong(锺德荣)

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Sandakan Teams For Putra Theatre Table Tennis Tournament

Sandakan Table Tennis Association (STTA) is sending 2 teams to participate in the 8th Putra Theatre Restaurant at Taman Tun Faud,Kota Kinabalu.
President of STTA, Chin Mok Hing (陈木兴) announced that team Pao Ma Industries (宝马工业) will take part in the Premier category, while team City View Hotel (成都酒店) will participate in the Novice category. Mr Chin reiterarted that the objective of the participation of Sandakan in this tournament is to show support and not to win any prize. Therefore Sandakan's 2 teams comprise of solely members of STTA only, no import players from West Malaysian states.

Below are the Sandakan teams :

Pao Ma Industries (宝马工业)
CategoryChief Team ManagerTeam ManagerCoachPlayers
PremierLiew Kung How (刘恭豪)Liew Ben Yip (刘本业)Chin Mok Hing (陈木兴)Lim Ser Hong(林诗鸿),Lim Ser Wei(林诗慧),Lim Chee Hing(林继兴),Chow Che Nam(曹泽南),Liew Wen Min(刘文敏),Loo Man Tong(卢勉同),Wong Fatt Juan(王发钧)

City View Hotel (成都酒店)

Chief Team

Team ManagerCoachPlayers
NoviceLiew Kung How (刘恭豪)Lim Wan Chuan (林万权)Chin Mok Hing (陈木兴)Wong Chin Yong(黄振荣),Chin Sin Wah(陈兴华), Wong Fatt Juan(王发钧),Wong Hee Kong(黄喜光),Wong Woi Ting(黄伟廷)

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6 Students From SRJ (C) Qi Wen Represent Lahad Datu

SRJ (C) Qi Wen - 启文小学 is the big winner during the recent MSSM primary and secondary schools table tennis tournament. It bagged all of the 1st,2nd and 3rd positions medals in the girls category through Cheng Si Man - 郑思敏,Mu Xin YU- 莫芯俞 and Hu Ching Yi - 胡静怡. While the boys bagged the 2nd,3rd positions medals through Wong Min Jie 黄敏捷, Chen Wei Chye - 曾玮齐, Zheng You Jia - 郑友佳.
These players are selected to represent Lahad Datu district to participate in the State table tennis tournament at Keningau on April 3-8 2006.
The school committee rewards these players with "ang-pau" - the Chinese traditional way of wishing one good luck by handing over the pocket money in red packets.

The selected players from SRJ (C) Qi Wen - 启文小学 with Headmaster 扬天龙(L),Teachers 彭慧珠(R1),张键煌(R2) and Treasurer of Qi Wen School Committe 曾惠云

The complete line-up of Lahad Datu Team :

CategoryPlayer 1Player 2Player 3Player 4
Boys PrimarySuhaimiWong Min Jie 黄敏捷Chen Wei Chye 曾玮齐Zheng You Jia 郑友佳
(St Domin)(Qi Wen)(Qi Wen)(Qi Wen)
Girls PrimaryWong Min Li 黄敏莉Chen Wei Fung 曾玮凤Hong Xin Yue 洪欣怡 Nurul Atiqah
(Qi Wen)(Qi Wen)(Qi Wen)(St Domin)
Boys SecondaryM. Yusriyan

Chin Sin Lin 陈新林

Wong Min Ray 黄敏锐

Suparta Saparang
(St Domin)(Technology)(St Domin)(St Domin)
Girls Secondary

Cheng Si Man 郑思敏

Mu Xin YU 莫芯俞Hu Ching Yi 胡静怡 Lim Chi Jiu 林子九
(LD High School)(LD High School)(LD High School)(LD High School)

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