Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Keningau Table Tennis Team's Outstanding Performance

The Keningau Table Tennis Team gave an outstanding performance during the just concluded state wide Sabah Table Tennis Championship 2006 organised by the Tawau Table Tennis Association on August 18-20 2006.
The team participated in all 22 categories out of which 13 categories had produced medals totalling 18. It secured the 3rd place in overall result.
Even though the Keningau team has slipped one position from last year's 2nd place,however its President Mr Kew Pak Fatt is satisfied with the team's performance in view of the fact that KK is superior in terms of training venue, number of coaches as well as other aspects as compared to Keningau. As for Tawau, they have the service of a seasoned national player, Keningau willingly conceded.
Mr Hew was glad the team was able to participate and brought back satisfactory results thanks to the sponsoring commercial firms, dedications of the coaches, full co-operations of the palyers' parents and the players who gave all they have for the team.

Below are the medals won by Keningau Team :
MedalNameAge Group
Men Team
Women Team
Boys Singles
BronzeOng Ting YuanYouth(U17)
Boys Singles
BronzeChin Chee YangCadet(U15)
Boys Singles
BronzeRicko Roy RichardPerpaduan(U13)
Girls Singles
BronzeAlfaria Jovita JelisYouth(U17)
Girls Singles
BronzeVerolinda VaminCadet(U15)
Girls Singles
BronzeVerolinda VaminPerpaduan(U13)
SilverNoney JubilehPerpaduan(U13)
Men Singles
GoldOng Ting YuanSUKMA(U21)
BronzeSabar Sahari/Chin Chee YangSUKMA(U21)
Women Singles
SilverAng Wei ChingSUKMA(U21)
BronzeMarilyn E.DelogSUKMA(U21)
Women Singles
BronzeMarilyn E.DelogOpen
Women Singles
SilverMarilyn E.DelogPerpaduan
BronzeAlfaria Jovita JelisPerpaduan
Women Doubles
SilverMarilyn E.Delog/Ang Wei ChingOpen

The following two Cadet(U15) players were selected to represent Sabah in the 26th Milo Nation Wide Table Tennis Championship at Melaka on August 23-26 2006:
  • Chin Chee Yang
  • Verolinda Vamin